Grooming your Dog

Regular, thorough grooming is important for your canine friend and taking good care of his skin and coat will allow him to remain clean and healthy. A good grooming session will prevent any build up of dirt and bacteria in your canine's coat keeping him comfortable and infection-free.

Keeping your four-legged friend dirt free can prove more of a challenge in the autumn and winter months with muddy walks standing in the way of optimum cleanliness! Though in the colder months we often avoid bathing our dogs to prevent chills and to maintain healthy grease in their coats, sometimes we can get a bit relaxed about giving them their regular brush and groom and maintenance nail clip too!

Grooming is a great way to bond with your dog so if your canine is happy to be groomed and trimmed at home why not take the time to treat him to a thorough pampering session?

Five Top Grooming Tips from Scientific Nutritional Products for Canine Grooming

1.) Invest in a canine specific shampoo. Dogs’ skin is more alkaline than ours and a shampoo formulated for human skin can disrupt the acid mantle, which acts as an important barrier for the body. This disruption can lead to an increased risk of bacterial and parasitic infections so look for the pH balance on your bottle of dog shampoo; it should be around 7.

2.) Regular grooming allows dog owners to check for any abnormal lumps, bumps or parasites so assess your dog thoroughly when grooming and keep a note of what is normal for them so you have a point of reference.

3.) Don’t bath too often but make sure you give your dog a regular brush! Bathing too  regularly can remove oils from the coat but an occasional bath and a good brush will keep your dog's coat clean, removing dirt and dead hairs which encourages new growth of healthy, shiny hair. Brushing also prevent knots and mats in the coat developing which can cause skin irritation and pain.

4.) Finish your grooming session with a nail clip. This should be done regularly to prevent long nail length affecting your dog’s gait pattern and limit the risk of breaking and damaging the nail and nail bed.  Brushing the teeth is also a great idea if your dog will allow you to safely do this! If not take him to his veterinarian for this process. 

5.) Remember the importance of diet. Health comes from the inside out so in addition to your grooming routine in order to have healthy skin and a glossy coat, every dog requires a healthy lifestyle and nutritious diet.

Feeding a quality Glucosamine for Dogs Supplement can help with dog joint aid and general mobility.

Visit our website to find out more about our range of canine supplements at or to receive bespoke advice about your dog contact our friendly team on Tel: 01377 254900.

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