The continued wet, cold weather in some cases is causing our canine's joints to suffer. Winter time can often cause our dogs to have reduced levels of mobility and flexibility, limiting their enjoyment in life and resulting in our furry friends finding tasks such as jumping into the car or going down the stairs more of a struggle. Our dogs are at their happiest when they are able to undertake regular exercise including long walks, days out or simply enjoying playing with other dogs or their owners. However sometimes in poor winter weather our dog's walks are reduced and shortened which can lead to a stiffness in their joints.
Scientific Nutritional Products takes a look at limiting our canine's joint pain and stiffness through management and diet. Eat Right A good canine diet should also supply all the necessary nutrients; including ample protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals. Studies have found that Omega-3 fatty acids can help curb inflammation to ease joint pain. Omega 3 is what is called an "essential" fatty acid meaning our dog's body requires it but cannot formulate it, so must consume it through food. Its main effect is as an anti inflammatory helping with coat condition, skin condition, mobility and cardiac health. Add Supplements – Glucosamine for Dogs Alongside a balanced, healthy diet it can be beneficial to include a Glucosamine for Dogs supplement in the diet, in order to maintain mobility and comfort in older dogs and during cold, wet weather.
MSM for dogs can contribute to the building of cartilage, ligaments, tendons and synovial fluid whilst Hyaluronic Acid can assist in cushioning and lubricating the joints. Move It! One reason cold weather is linked to joint pain is our dogs often are subjected to reduced exercise during poor winter weather are less likely to work out when it's chilly and damp. Exercise stimulates joint lubrication preventing joint pain. However if you are working with an older dog and/or a canine with joint problems it is important not to overdo it! If the weather outside is frightful why not try playing games with your dog inside or using the time wisely to teach him some new commands and keep him moving?
Scientific Nutritional Products offer Canine Joint Right which provides a comprehensive supplement which includes Glucosamine for Dogs, Chondroitin, MSM, Hyaluronic Acid and Omega 3 offering your dog the ultimate Joint Aid for Dogs package. Canine Joint Right supplement can help to support joint cartilage, soothe and ease aching joints and the unique addition of MSM helps to build cartilage, ligaments, tendons and synovial fluid.
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